Sacred Connections

We are exposed to so many miraculous things on a daily basis, yet so many of us seem to have our blinders on.

A flower blooms, a rainbow forms, a butterfly emerges from its cocoon. The natural world around us is demanding our attention everywhere we go. 

Why do so many of us choose to ignore it?

Is it possible that we have become desensitized to some of the most extraordinary elements of this existence?

I don’t think it was intentional, but somewhere along the way, our values shifted. We became so caught up in aspects of our lives that feed the ego, that we lost sight of some of the things that are capable of bringing us the most peace.

Don’t you think that we are a part of something bigger?


I think you’ll find that with a little practice, rekindling this lost connection is entirely possible. Not only is it possible, but familiar. 

We tend to associate sacred places with religion, reserving the space for churches or other places of worship that allow us to feel a spiritual connection. It’s important to realize that these places are not limited, and any place where you feel this type of connection is sacred. We just need to allow ourselves to awaken to it.

Life, as a whole, could be considered sacred. This feels especially true when we are able to reclaim our greater feelings of connection.

When we really think about it, isn’t everything sacred?

Currently, the odds of even being born are 1 in 400 trillion. 

Your life is 1 in 400 trillion, which is nothing short of miraculous.

Why would our consciousness be anything other than sacred?

Actually conceptualize that number.

When we learn to shift our perspective with this in mind, we tend to feel a greater relation to the world around us along with a greater sense of purpose. 

Our time is sacred, but it is also short lived. We need to put more of an effort into what elements of this incarnation are receiving our attention, realigning ourselves with the things that make us feel connected. 

I think you’ll find that most often, these elements encompass exploration, reflection, conversation, and above all else: love.

These components, while seemingly basic and obvious, are often omitted from the typical daily practice. It is so easy for us to fall into a stage of redundancy, forgetting how remarkable this life is meant to be. Once you open your eyes to it and observe it for what it is, however, it is impossible to unsee.

Another thing you may notice about these components, and ones that are similar, is that they are dependent on our own action. We cannot rely on others to reestablish this sense of connection for us; the work must be our own. It’s like training our brains to form a new habit.

We need to put more emphasis on these values, as there seems to be an increasing scarcity of them in the modern world. 

As a society, we have attached a negative connotation to going backwards in any regard. In this aspect, I think it is fair to conclude that returning back to some of our most basic instincts is something that we can all benefit from.