An Ode to the Universe

You can’t say you’ve lived without experiencing the beauty that only lives here.

If you’re like me, or even if you’re not, you can rationalize that we may only get one human incarnation on the beautiful planet we get to call home.

This concept needs to be thought about more, and I mean really thought about. We spend so much of our time doing things we don’t want to do, things that stress us out, or things that may not even matter in the end. The very least we can do is allow ourselves breaks, in which we can just be.

When did we start taking the beauty of the natural world for granted? When I was a child, there was nothing more demanding of my attention than the sky. I liked it because it seemed so vast and even though it was there every day, it never looked the same. I remember how happy the sky made me, and how long I could stare at it and take it in without even the slightest tinge of boredom.

But it wasn’t just the sky, it was the way I felt when I looked at the sky.

When I got older, I stopped looking at the sky as much. I was too busy with the tedious things that tend to hold too much importance in our lives. I stopped looking for so long, I forgot how crucial it was. When I allowed myself to slow down, take a break, and look again, I found I couldn’t look away.

I promise you, if you allow yourself to, you can reconnect with the world around you. You can truly appreciate the beauty of our Universe, as it is meant to be appreciated.

And what’s even better? It’s not just the sky.

It is time to stop denying yourself your right as a human to slow down and take in the Universe. It is easy and common for us to feel hopeless in this incarnation, but we are living among so much beauty that when you start to notice it again, it’s almost impossible to feel anything but content. The comfort that the natural world can bring you is something that you cannot get from the material world. It is special, it is rare, and it flows perfectly.

So my question for you, whoever you may be:

When did you stop looking at the sky?

And when are you going to start again?